Using ESP8266 to Call RESTful API From TheRide to Get Real-Time BUS Data

Here is a tutorial on how to call RESTful API on ESP8266 and process the data using ArduinoJSON. This data is visually represented in a NeoPixel ring for easy tracking of 3 buses approaching a certain stop. This code also sends MQTT messages with the received data. debsahu/RESTful-Ride Using ESP8266 to call RESTful API from to get real-time BUS data Features: Easy to read interface Fast and Responsive Portable, i....

October 27, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

Using Gestures to Control Lights on Home-Assistant

Getting one’s hands on APDS9960 is very easy, that can be used to detect hand gestures. Here we use this sensor to control lights on Home Assistant based on a gesture observed on sensor. Software Libraries used: HARestAPI GitHub: debsahu/HARestAPI APDS9960 GitHub: SteveQuinn1/SparkFun_APDS-9960_Sensor_Arduino_Library SSD1306 OLED I2C GitHub: ThingPulse/esp8266-oled-ssd1306

July 21, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

RobinhoodAPI: Live Stock Prices From Robinhood on ESP8266

A simple Arduino library that retrieves live stock prices from in JSON format and processes it for ESP8266. In one example, we demonstrate a whole bunch of stock prices scrolling through a dot-matrix display. Github: debsahu/RobinhoodAPI An Arduino library to talk to Robin Hood using non-documented Rest API made for ESP8266. Some unofficial documentaion by @sanko is available at here] Using the Library Download this GitHub library. In Arduino, Goto Sketch -> Include Library -> Add ....

April 28, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

HARestAPI: Control Home Assistant Directly Using ESP8266

Control components on Home Assistant directly from ESP8266. This is an Arduino Library that can be used in various projects without the requirement of setup of a MQTT sensor + automation on HA. This uses RESTful API commands. Idea Control components on Home Assistant directly from ESP8266. Implementation Develop an Arduino Library that can be used in various projects without the requirement of setup of a MQTT sensor + automation on HA....

April 14, 2018 · Debashish Sahu

ESP8266 Based Color Sensor Talking to Home Assistant via RestAPI

Did you ever want to use ESP8266 to communicate to Home Assistant directly? Here we use a TCS34725 color sensor to read colors and change a RGB light in Home Assistant to the color observed. Hardware TCS34725 color sensor SSD 1306 OLED Wemos D1 mini (ESP8266) Software RGB Lights connected to Home Assistant toblum/McLighting Aircoookie/WLED

April 7, 2018 · Debashish Sahu